Monday, December 17, 2012

Music Monday: Hero

One of my closest friends likes to start the day by texting Youtube links to stuff he thinks I’ll like.  We’ve been friends since Jesus was a child so he usually gets it right.

I love how this one manages is both groovy and slightly sinister. I also love how that pic could be the cover for a B horror flick.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gratuitous Cat

 And why would I want to get off the couch when I’ve got this curled up next to me?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Outfit Post: Serenity

Holy crap it’s finally winter! Seriously, just today it got cold enough for tights and a jacket.  I get the warm and fuzzies for winter when I see everyone else sporting their warm sweaters and bright tights.  I get a little jealous.  I start getting snotty with my short sleeves and light skirts, telling them I’m tired of looking at them and such.  But now, one day in I’m wondering what the hell I was thinking.  It’s cold.  I don’t like cold.

I do, however, love love love the little serenity park where I snapped the pic of today’s outfit


It’s across the street from my favorite restaurant.  Even though it’s in the middle of our little town it’s usually pretty quiet and private so no gawkers while I was trying to get a good shot.  There’s all this awesome old brick from the buildings it’s sandwiched between, little stone benches and tables, and lovely retro lamp posts.  Of course that makes it a great spot for pictures.  I just happened to have my engagement photos done there

serenity park

And just last year two of my closest friends called up the JP and got hitched there


Cardigan:  Merona via Target
Skirt:  The Limited
Tights: George via Walmart

Photo Credit for the Engagement Photo: The Studio at Edgewood

Monday, December 10, 2012

Music Monday: American Horror Story

I’m of the mind that American Horror Story is one of the best shows on TV right now.  Not only is it right up my horror obsessed alley but there’s so much awesome there I’m constantly shocked and amazed. Fist there’s the twisted, constantly keeping you guessing plot.  It’s like watching LOST, you never know exactly what the hell is going on.  Then there’s the acting.   Jessica Lang is winning Emmys and Golden Globes for the work she’s doing and they’re so freaking deserved.  The woman is amazing.  Also this season (2) Lily Rabb is doing a bang up job (do you hear me award ceremony panels?) Lastly, whoever is putting together the musical backing for this show is genius.  The words haunting and lovely come to mind.  For instance these tracks that I listen to over and over:

Carina Round's voice is so sweet and calming I also fell for a couple of her other tracks; "Please Don’t Stop" and "For Everything a Reason" are beautiful.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Good Eats: Potato Soup

Know what I hate (points if you just said "bloggers that drop off the face of the earth and reappear randomly")? When Pinterest links don't go anywhere. You get that nice little message that the link to the delicious soup you want to know more about is really just spam or inappropriate material. Sigh. Luckily this recipe for awesome potato soup was right there on the pin.


Of  course I had to make some husband friendly adjustments...and some overly zealous crockpot (low seems to be medium, medium seems to be high, and high is oh shit, it's burnt already) adjustments. Here's my revised recipe:

Half Bag Frozen Hash Browns
3 Cups Chicken Stock
1 Can Cream of Chicken
Salt and Pepper to Taste
8 oz Block Cream Cheese
1/2 Cup Milk
Cooking Spray

Start by spraying your crockpot to help prevent sticking. Hash browns in the crockpot, top with Cream of Chicken, add in a cup of stock, and add salt and pepper. Add the rest of the stock a bit at a time (about a half a cup, but I didn't really measure) over 3 - 5 hours (I know that's a big window but it really depends on your pot. Just make sure the hash browns are broken down and creamy). When the hash browns are creamy add in cream cheese and milk and cook for a half hour until cream cheese is melted and incorporated.

There's been a gaping hole of sadness in the husbands life since Bennigans closed and took it's awe inspiring potato soup with it. This made the ache a little better.